Error creating user in SQL Server 2008

I am trying to create a new login for my database and keep getting the following error when I try to run the script that contains the connection string:

“dorknozzle is not a valid login or you do not have permission micorsoft sql server error 15007”

I followed the instructions in my book which say to:
-set server authentication to SQL Server and Windows authentication
-expand Security-> Logins node and select New Login
-select SQL Server authentication and type dorknozzle as username and dorknozzle as password
-deselect Enforce password policy
-change default database to Dorknozzle

Then give full access to dorknozzle by:
-select User Mapping from the Select a page pane
-check the Dorknozzle table in list
-check the db_owner role

After I do this, I see that dorknozzle has been added to the list of users under the security node in the Dorknozzle database.

Is there something I am missing that would generate this error? The connection string I am using is:
“Server=Owner-PC\SqlExpress;” & “Database=Dorknozzle;User ID=dorknozzle;Password=dorknozzle”

I did notice when I went back to the Security->Logins-> dorknozzle, that the password that was stored looks longer than the one I typed (dorknozzle). Is
it supposed to look this way?