Error message after moving Wordpress to new host

I’m moving an existing, custom theme, WP site to a new host. I’ve copied the exisitng site files and database to my localhost on my home/office computer and also into the root of the new account on the new server that the site is going to be moved to.

Here’s the existing site:

Here is the copy of the site on my at the new host that we are moving to.

There is that error displayed at the top -Warning: Missing argument 2 for alter_body_class() in /home/content/28/9788328/html/wp-content/themes/helitrax/functions.php on line 37
class=“home page page-id-4 page-template-default logged-in admin-bar with-splash”>

I get the same error viewing it on my localhost at my home/office.

I have compared the functions.php line 37 from the existing site and from the copies of the new site and it is identical. Lines 36-42 shown below:
36. add_filter(‘body_class’, ‘alter_body_class’);
37. function alter_body_class($classes, $class) {
38. if (!is_home() && !is_single()) {
39. $classes = ‘with-splash’;
40. }
41. return $classes;
42. }

I need to get rid of that error message. I’m not an expert with php and can’t figure out why that error is displaying on the copy. I need to resolve it so we can make the site live on the new host. Any help or advice much appreciated.

  1. Open the wp-config.php file from the root folder
  2. Set the define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true); to define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);

Thanks for your reply. unfortunately that did not work. The wp-config file did not contain the define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true) line of code. but I tried adding the line define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false); to the file.

Unfortunately,that did not fix the problem. Thank you for trying to help!

After searching on the internet a bit this morning I found a clue.

I edited line 37 from:
37. function alter_body_class($classes, $class) {

to read:
37. function alter_body_class($classes) {

That has made the error message go away, not sure if it’s going to cause any other problems but for now it solves the problem.