Error moving joomla site from one host to another

I am moving Joomla from one host to another. It gives me an error on this line when importing the database to the new site. I thin it has something to do with the JoomFish module. Any ideas? Or if this query even needs to be run… site still works without it.


Here is the error:

SQL query:

CREATE ALGORITHM = UNDEFINED DEFINER =  `workspace53`@`` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW  `jos_jf_languages` AS SELECT  `l`.`lang_id` AS  `lang_id` ,  `l`.`lang_code` AS  `lang_code` ,  `l`.`title` AS  `title` , `l`.`title_native` AS  `title_native` ,  `l`.`sef` AS  `sef` ,  `l`.`description` AS  `description` ,  `l`.`published` AS  `published` ,  `l`.`image` AS  `image` ,  `lext`.`image_ext` AS  `image_ext` ,  `lext`.`fallback_code` AS  `fallback_code` ,  `lext`.`params` AS  `params` , `lext`.`ordering` AS  `ordering`

`jos_languages`  `l`
LEFT JOIN  `jos_jf_languages_ext`  `lext` ON ( (
`l`.`lang_id` =  `lext`.`lang_id`
) )
ORDER BY  `lext`.`ordering` ;

MySQL said:

#1227 - Access denied; you need the SUPER privilege for this operation

Here is the import statement:

-- Structure for view `jos_jf_languages`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jos_jf_languages`;

CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`myusername`@`` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `jos_jf_languages` AS select `l`.`lang_id` AS `lang_id`,`l`.`lang_code` AS `lang_code`,`l`.`title` AS `title`,`l`.`title_native` AS `title_native`,`l`.`sef` AS `sef`,`l`.`description` AS `description`,`l`.`published` AS `published`,`l`.`image` AS `image`,`lext`.`image_ext` AS `image_ext`,`lext`.`fallback_code` AS `fallback_code`,`lext`.`params` AS `params`,`lext`.`ordering` AS `ordering` from (`jos_languages` `l` left join `jos_jf_languages_ext` `lext` on((`l`.`lang_id` = `lext`.`lang_id`))) order by `lext`.`ordering`;