Error while posting

Continuing the discussion from Long awaited Class review:

What did it say? :smile:

Look at what I quoted :wink: .

Any other details?

Not really. It’s happened twice today though.

I post. It comes back denied. I try posting it again and it says “body is too similar to what was already posted” (or something like that.)

I refresh, thinking it’s there. It’s not.

I just “Edit-” onto the end letting you know about the errors, and then it goes through.

Interesting. Can you operate with Chrome Dev Tools open for a while and when it occurs let me know if there are any JavaScript errors in the Console window?

Sure - I’ll keep watch for it. Is it possible it’s my network?

Anything is possible :slight_smile: Since I haven’t had it happen to me yet, I can’t say for certain what the issue is. More information will definitely help me out.

I think everyone is seeing something similar. If I just sit and do nothing, it eventually goes through. Sometimes I get impatient and ‘refresh’ the browser, then get a different message, but it still goes through. SOMEtimes I get the ‘too similar to last post’ message. Weird.


We solved the initial issue (or so we thought…) I haven’t had one of these errors for several days. So anytime you get it now, I need to know about it, as the issue is different.

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I do not believe this is related to the intial issue. This issue bounced back much too fast, and the message was different.

Copy. Wilco.

AFAIK most of the checks either only affect New members - TL0 - or show an information modal.

The only setting I see that affects all members is “unique posts mins”

which should only be checking against the member’s other posts, not the posts of other members.

I didn’t think an embedded quote was considered as part of the content, but maybe if the post is mostly a quote with very little additional text it does?

My posts were decently long.

And only occurred on your second attempt (after receiving an error while posting on the first attempt)?

Posted the regular content
Tried reposting but it said I was posting too similar
Refreshed in case (copied post before)
No post there
Pasted post again.
Added Edit text
Went through

Happened to each post.

Put your left foot in. Take your left foot out. Put your left foot in. Shake it all about. Draw an alien symbol that the Universe has never seen before. Visualize world peace. Turn around, deosil, three times; again, widdershin. Click Submit. VOILA!




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Ah… wouldn’t ya know it… blocked… “Potentially adult”… (sigh)



UPDATE: HEY!!! I didn’t get an error message posting this! w00t, w00t!

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Psh - you don’t get off at 1530 everyday like me :stuck_out_tongue: ?

It’s the meme of “well that escalated quickly.gif”

Will ferral.

[quote=“WolfShade, post:21, topic:171237”]
“Potentially adult”… (sigh)
[/quote]It does have him holding a beer :wink: .

Everyone in at 0730; everyone take a one hour lunch; everyone go home at 1630 (Central). I’ll try to remember to check it out when I get home. :smile:
