.exe file stored on the server, click to allow to play through browser

I have a situation where a client is manually uploading .exe files to the server, as they are marketing presentations.

When the visitor goes to a certain page, there a script that it looking to detect of its a .pdf or a .exe file…

The pdf option is fine, but I seem to be having trouble simply opening that .exe file and running it via that link in thr browser, has anyone any options to show.

.exe files won’t open in the browser, the only option for the user would be to download them, and then they would have to choose to run them locally.

To be honest though, I’m not sure how many people would feel comfortable dl and running executable files, as they represent a security risk. Also, .exe files are only relevant to Windows users, so you’re limiting your audience.

Ok thanks, the issue of downloading them and running them locally is not an issue really, as the only people having access to these are the ones that need access to them if you know what I mean, so the security factor isnt a problem, and also the windows issue is fine I suppose.

Sorry should have explained all that first…

So do you have an example of how these exe files can be downloaded.

You can just put a direct link to the file. When the user clicks, they’ll start downloading the file (usually with .exe files, the browser will warn the user first).

Sorry fretburner,

I was just workign on something and thought hang on how stupid is that, and rushed back to say sorry about that last question, and you had already replied.

All is workign fine thank you.