Extendig(toggle) the height of two divs?

I´ve got a dropdown function for a list of customers, on click on a
logo, the hidden content slides down to show additional content.

Now I have an accordeon in my hidden content and when I open the
accordeon, the content below scrolls out of the div and you cant read

Is it possible, to change the height or maybe better padding-bottom of
the active / shown divs “group” and “wrapper_hidden_content” on click of
a accordeon element?



Hi Frederick,

Yes, it’s possible to change the height of toggle_container after toggling the accordion.
I’d try to avoid all these manual scripts setting the heights of the elements though. Absolutely positioned elements covering over the other elements might make a better effect and you won’t need to calculate heights or push content around.

I know but but the hidden content needs to push the content below down.
But i dont know how.