Facebook iframe app issues with url

Wondering if you can help me with a website problem I am having. I am building an app on facebook and running into this problem. The app requires the web address from which it will pull the info. to end with / ; as in .html/ or .php/

Well, all my website pages have .html or .php hence no /

How do I correct this so the app will work? Anyone?


Hi Shaun! Welcome to SitePoint. :slight_smile:

This may not help, but your urls can look like mysite.com/folder/ if you are targeting the index.php / index.html file in that folder.

Otherwise, you may need to look at some kind of server configuration to rewrite the urls. Perhaps provide some more information about what you are trying to do / what conditions you are working with so that someone can advise further.

Thanks ralph. I will set up the folders and see if that fixes it.