Facebook SHARE Button NOT choosing the correct default image to display!


In this link example, you will see the Facebook/Twitter share buttons on the upper, left-side. When you attempt to share this page to your Facebook friends, by default, it shows a random image on the page, when IT SHOULD be showing the post avatar of the bicycle wheel.

How can we modify the script to capture this bicycle wheel avatar by default?

This might help you.

<meta property="og:image" content="http://example.com/image.jpg"/>

Thanks for the information but the code used to pull the avatars is the following:

<?php if (function_exists(‘gkl_postavatar’)) gkl_postavatar(‘’, ‘’, ‘’); ?>

How can this be done correctly using that meta code since it’s not a static jpg url for this?


We have placed the property=“og:image” tag on that link page, near the avatar image but the issue still persists. You can check the source code on that page to see.

What do we do now? Facebook is not selecting the proper image.