Facebook-style Dropdown

I’m looking to build a dropdown menu like what Facebook has done (See below for screenshot). I’m pretty well-versed in HTML/CSS, with basic jQuery knowledge, but actually, I have never built a dropdown.

I have done research in the past and I understand that there are several ways to build a dropdown menu. In this particular situation, what is the best way to build this Facebook-styled dropdown, with graceful degradation?

Thanks in advanced for any tip!

You can build that dropdown with just html and css. You don’t need jquery or vanilla javascript.

Max is absolutely right, simple HTML and CSS is probably all that’s needed here.

A simple “Suckerfish” menu as they are sometimes called, will probably do the trick for you. A List Apart has an article on building these, and [URL=“http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/example/”]HTML Dog has a good example of one. Of course the way the menu looks is entirely up to you.