Fadein amination

Hi everyone,

I’ve set up an html5 slideshow using the code in the tutorial located at the following link:


I’ve also used the code at the following link to make the slideshow auto-advance:


It all works well but I don’t like the way there’s a lighting effect that happens when it transitions from slide to slide.


The following code was used:

	// We are listening to the window.load event, so we can be sure
	// that the images in the slideshow are loaded properly.

	// Testing wether the current browser supports the canvas element:
	var supportCanvas = 'getContext' in document.createElement('canvas');

	// The canvas manipulations of the images are CPU intensive,
	// this is why we are using setTimeout to make them asynchronous
	// and improve the responsiveness of the page.

	var slides = $('#slideshow li'),
		current = 0,
		slideshow = {width:0,height:0};

		window.console && window.console.time && console.time('Generated In');
			$('#slideshow img').each(function(){

					// Taking the dimensions of the first image:
					slideshow.width = this.width;
					slideshow.height = this.height;
				// Rendering the modified versions of the images:
		window.console && window.console.timeEnd && console.timeEnd('Generated In');
		$('#slideshow .arrow').click(function(){
			var li			= slides.eq(current),
				canvas		= li.find('canvas'),
				nextIndex	= 0;

			// Depending on whether this is the next or previous
			// arrow, calculate the index of the next slide accordingly.
				nextIndex = current >= slides.length-1 ? 0 : current+1;
			else {
				nextIndex = current <= 0 ? slides.length-1 : current-1;

			var next = slides.eq(nextIndex);

				// This browser supports canvas, fade it into view:

					// Show the next slide below the current one:
					current = nextIndex;
					// Fade the current slide out of view:
			else {
				// This browser does not support canvas.
				// Use the plain version of the slideshow.

	// This function takes an image and renders
	// a version of it similar to the Overlay blending
	// mode in Photoshop.
	function createCanvasOverlay(image){

		var canvas			= document.createElement('canvas'),
			canvasContext	= canvas.getContext("2d");
		// Make it the same size as the image
		canvas.width = slideshow.width;
		canvas.height = slideshow.height;
		// Drawing the default version of the image on the canvas:

		// Taking the image data and storing it in the imageData array:
		var imageData	= canvasContext.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height),
			data		= imageData.data;
		// Loop through all the pixels in the imageData array, and modify
		// the red, green, and blue color values.
		for(var i = 0,z=data.length;i<z;i++){
			// The values for red, green and blue are consecutive elements
			// in the imageData array. We modify the three of them at once:
			data[i] = ((data[i] < 128) ? (2*data[i]*data[i] / 255) : (255 - 2 * (255 - data[i]) * (255 - data[i]) / 255));
			data[++i] = ((data[i] < 128) ? (2*data[i]*data[i] / 255) : (255 - 2 * (255 - data[i]) * (255 - data[i]) / 255));
			data[++i] = ((data[i] < 128) ? (2*data[i]*data[i] / 255) : (255 - 2 * (255 - data[i]) * (255 - data[i]) / 255));
			// After the RGB elements is the alpha value, but we leave it the same.
		// Putting the modified imageData back to the canvas.
		// Inserting the canvas in the DOM, before the image:

I wondered if someone could tell me how to adjust the code so that there’s a smooth transition but no lighting effect?

Appreciate any advice.

It looks like most of that code is specifically built in that manner so that it can deal with / handle all the <canvas> stuff (to create the blend mode).

If all you want is a simple fade, you can rip most of that code out and just use the following:

    // We are listening to the window.load event, so we can be sure
    // that the images in the slideshow are loaded properly.

    var slides = $('#slideshow li'),
        current = 0,
        slideshow = {width:0,height:0};
    $('#slideshow .arrow').click(function(){
        var li = slides.eq(current),
            nextIndex = 0;

        // Depending on whether this is the next or previous
        // arrow, calculate the index of the next slide accordingly.
            nextIndex = current >= slides.length-1 ? 0 : current+1;
        else {
            nextIndex = current <= 0 ? slides.length-1 : current-1;

        var next = slides.eq(nextIndex);

           Note the use of fadeIn() and fadeOut() rather than hide() and show() here.

Thanks so much for that - it works perfectly now.

So I guess now that it’s not using Canvas it will also be compatible with older browsers - is that right?

It was already compatible with older browsers as it was detecting support for <canvas> and falling back to a non-canvas solution :wink:

But yes, it’s (still) compatible with older browsers.

Ok great - thanks again