Fancybox issues?

Hi there!

I am absolutely new to javascript and have been following a tutorial to create a fancybox gallery on my new site. Unfortunately, the gallery renders fine when I’m testing it on my laptop, but not correctly once it’s loaded onto the web. For some reason, the FancyBox isn’t displaying the lightbox and I don’t know if it’s an IE8 issue, or if my scripting is incorrect — Also, I wanted the large images to be able to be clicked through once opened, but am unsure where to put the command noting to look for the "rel=“group1”

Any help would be huge! :slight_smile: page can be viewed here:

just realized why the actual fancybox wasn’t working when uploaded – still can’t figure out the script though for the gallery though.

Also, I also have a image preloader js in there, but when i tried finishing the script to have the gallery initiate upon page load, the whole gallery stopped working all together so I’ve avoided finishing the tutorial at this point.