FireBug Question


I am using FireBug to resolve one of the issue on the current Magento website.

From FireBug, am I able to know the location of the exact file to be edited? I am trying to add in additional information and I also know the div class name:“addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style”

This is the link for reference –>

I am trying to edit the social media share buttons(below “ADD TO WISHLIST” and “ADD TO CART”) button.


When you look at the CSS rules in the right panel, it always indicates the line number of each CSS rule and the CSS file that it’s located in. :slight_smile:

Hi Ralph,

I know the CSS file and line number, however lets say I wanted to take off one of the Social Media buttons(say “Twitter”). I don’t think this can be done inside the css though or I am wrong somewhere?



To put it in simpler terms, please kindly reference this link –>

Please click on the tab “SIZING”:

I would like to change the “HOW TO MEASURE” –> “HOW TO MEASURE THIS”.

I know the the css file is in style.css and it is at line 765 with the following class:

a.viewmea { background:#e3e3e3; color:#333; font-size:12px; padding:4px 8px;}

I am trying to know from firebug, am I able to know the location where I am able to edit the text for “HOW TO MEASURE”?


No, Firebug can’t tell you that. It only looks at the HTML and CSS as delivered to the browser. The HTML of the page is (presumably) constructed from various files by something like PHP, but Firebug knows nothing about that.

Perhaps look in your actual template files on the server. That should indicate where the measurement code is coming from. It will be pulled in in some way, via an include or something like that.

Hi Ralph,

Thank you for the reply.
