Float problems

Paul, You are awesome!

That worked great, thank you very much.


Just so I know, if I have another website that has a small problem (the drop down menu goes behind the flash module in IE7) do I have to start a new Thread? Or can I just continue with these great bunch of guys?

Thank you.

Okay, so since I didn’t get an answer to my question I am going to go ahead and post my site question here.

Here is the link:

And the menu dropdown in IE is going behind the Flash.

Thank you for your help.

Sorry, I missed this post - I’ll take a look in the morning for you - if no one else chips in by then :slight_smile:

Try setting the z-index of the menus main parent.e.g.



That worked like a charm. I had tried to put the z-index in there before but, forgot the position:relative.

Thank you, you are a credit to the industry and I hope all the best for you.

I was wondering, is there anything for IE that I can adjust the css, like firebug for FF? I know about firebuglite but, that just shows me the css, not lets me change it. Thanks again.

I believe there are some developer tools for IE but I tend to have 3 or 4 browsers open at the same time and just test in each as I go. I use Firebug for looking at code but when testing I work on the real code and load it into each browser.

For me I just do basically the same as Paul, I look at hte code for FF and then if I spot something that could be an issue I go test it and that’s generally good enough for me :).

I tend to not even bother with IE develoepr toolbars (or chrome developer) because there isn’t a real need for it. IE developer toolbar is quite horrible IMHO

I use Firebug and IE developer toolbar almost exclusively for figuring out other people’s pages… and mostly it’s just the outline of Inspect Element. This has actually helped me figure out what IE has done with a disappearing element (I have found dropped and hidden floats in IE on others’ pages using that). IE dev toolbar also tells you if IE considers the element to have Layout.

If it’s my own code, it’s faster to add background colours.

Thank you for the advise, all great. I know where I am going anytime I have an issue, I cant solve myself within an hour, SITEPOINT rules.

Thank you all again.