Float: right; text-align: right

On this page I have a unsorted list with the properties:

float: right;
text-align: right;

On the last two items of the list you see brackets arround the words στο Amaryllis Hotel Apartments
But this is how I had to do it in the actual list to make the brackets indeed appear arround those words

<li>[COLOR=#ff0000][B]([/B][/COLOR] &#924;&#960;&#945;&#961; [B][COLOR=#ff0000]([/COLOR][/B]&#963;&#964;&#959; Amaryllis Hotel Apartments</li>

What is the reason for this to happen?

Thanks in advance

You shouldn’t be using this:

#content ul {
direction: rtl;

That’s for languages like Arabic that are written right to left. Used on left to right languages like English and Greek causes such problems.

If you really want the bullets on the right (which is a little odd, I think!) then perhaps use images for the bullets instead.

Hi ralph I added that but no change should I take the text-align: right; out?

I said remove it, not add it. :slight_smile:

:frowning: I didn’t see the second Content ul My wrong. Thank you so much!

No probs! Glad that helped. :slight_smile: