Floating content doesn't work right

I’ve tried to fix this page but it seems that the FAQ content always wants to sit below the sidebar when actually it should be floating right.

This is a guess:

custom.css, Line 229

#leftblock {
    [color=blue]float: left;[/color]    /* ADD ME */
    margin: 2px;
    width: 21.5% !important;

layout.css, Line 38

#leftblock, #midblock, #rightblock, #insetblock, #insetsholder_2t, #insetsholder_2b, #insetsholder_3t, #insetsholder_3b {
    [color=red]float: left;[/color]    /* DELETE ME */
    height: 100% !important;
    margin: 2px;
    [color=red]overflow: hidden;[/color]    /* DELETE ME */
    text-align: left;

The reason you are having this issue is because “#holder” has a fixed with of 975px; and between #leftblock and #midblock the grand total width exceeds it’s parent element (#holder) width. To compensate the #midblock will be positioned underneath #leftblock to fit your content inside the width you specified; that being 975px. Basically you exceeded the parents width by 62px.

Brandon’s observation is spot on.

Changing the inline width of id midblock will solve the problem easily enough.

<div id="midblock" style="width:[color=red]85%[/color];">

<div id="midblock" style="width:[color=blue]77%;[/color]">

Realize that padding and margins that are occupying the additional 8% of the width (the box model thing).

Thanks for your help!!