Font Changes - Cufon js

I have a client that has purchase a template that is using the cufon script for fonts. They do not like how the font looks when scaled on the headers. I am either looking to do one of two things, completly remove cufon from the site, or figure out how i can overide it on the Heading tags (H1,H2,etc…).

I have tried to remove the script from the header and body, but I loose the navigation drop down menu under the “Services” tab for some reason.


    <script src="js/cufon-yui.js"></script>
    <script src="js/cufon-replace.js"></script>
    <script src="js/MgOpen_Moderna_400.font.js"></script>
    <script src="js/MgOpen_Moderna_700.font.js"></script>


<script type="text/javascript">;</script>

Any help in the right direction would be helpful -



Cufon is a dead technology, having been replaced by @font-face, which is much better. I recommend you get the free MgOpen Moderna font and run it through the FontSquirrel @font-face generator—which will provide the formats needed and the CSS to go with it.

As for the dropdown, a similar problem occurred in another thread the other day, but it was because the general JS script on the site had a reference to Cufon, and was throwing error after the Cufon script that it referenced was removed. That’s super easy to fix, so don’t let this be a barrier. :slight_smile:

Thanks Ralph - I agree on removing cufon is the best option. Can you point me in the direction of fixing script.js file so that cufon doesn’t ruin the drop down menu?

if($.browser.mozilla||$.browser.opera){document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",$.ready,false);document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){$.ready()},false)}$.event.remove(window,"load",$.ready);$.event.add( window,"load",function(){$.ready()});$.extend({includeStates:{},include:function(url,callback,dependency){if(typeof callback!='function'&&!dependency){dependency=callback;callback=null}url=url.replace('\
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	$('#slideshow').cycle({fx:'fade', height:'auto',timeout:0,next:'#next_slide',prev:'#prev_slide' });

Hm, I don’t know much JS, so try removing the bits in red, but I can’t guarantee the code will still work. If this doesn’t work, perhaps repost in the JS forum:
