Footer jumping to top

Upon opening this page, the footer jumps to the top. What’s the best way to prevent this from happening and make sure the footer stays put? Seems like adding some kind of height?

Not jumping to the top of the page for me in Chrome :). Sticking to the bottom of the page for me. What browser (and version) and OS are you using?

Does the footer load at the bottom, but jump to the top after load (or during)?

Likewise, no jump for me in FF.


I can see the footer jumping to the top on first page load while the flash loads and then it moves down. Try giving a height the the object container to match the height of the object.


You got it Paul! Now fixed. Thank you!

I think it was just happening in Safari or Opera on my Windows 7 machine but think other browsers with a Mac.

Thank you all :-)!