forEach object array problem angularjs

Hi all

I need help understanding the below snippet and getting it to function within my existing code.

My current project can be found here

In total, there are 11 available genres within the arrays which should be listed in the dropdown, I only see 4 all saying [object] ?
I know the $scope.init = function() is causing the problem, if you check the link above everything should become clear.

Could anybody explain exactly what this code is doing?
function(genre, index) - what does the index mean?

$scope.init = function() {
        angular.forEach(Venues.list, function(genre, index){
            //Only add to the availableGenres array if it doesn't already exist
            var exists = false;
            angular.forEach($scope.availableGenres, function(avGenre, index){
                if (avGenre == genre) {
                    exists = true;
            if (exists === false) {

$scope.setGenreFilter = function(genre) {
        $scope.genreFilter = genre;

Help much appreciated.
Still a javascript novice and learning as I go along.

thanks, cb

Anybody (:

angular.forEach(Venues.list, function(genre, index){

.list is returning four objects as below, it should be returning 11 genres?

[object Object]
[object Object]
[object Object]
[object Object]

Thanks, cb

angular.forEach(Venues.list, function(genre, index){

You’re iterating over the list of venues, and assigning each venue to a variable named “genre”. You’re getting [object Object] because what you think is a genre is actually a venue object. You’ll need one more forEach.

        angular.forEach(Venues.list, function([COLOR="#FF0000"]venue[/COLOR], index){
            [COLOR="#FF0000"]angular.forEach(venue.genres, function (genre, index) {[/COLOR]
                //Only add to the availableGenres array if it doesn't already exist
                var exists = false;
                angular.forEach($scope.availableGenres, function(avGenre, index){
                    if (avGenre == genre) {
                        exists = true;
                if (exists === false) {

Works brilliant! :cool:
Can’t thank you enough Jeff been working on this on and off 10+ days trying to understand what’s happening.

You make it look so easy :slight_smile:
Still learning javascript good learning exercise thanks.


I’ll repost if I have any further issues.

Cheers and Merry Christmas!

what exactly does … (genre, index) the index mean, what does it do?
And whats the difference between $index and index?

If you have a minute thanks.