Form feedback by email chap 7 build your own website html css book

hi all,
totally confused with chapter 7 p.289 processing the form.
it seems a little vague in it’s explanation.
signed up for freedback. ok
added all the fields from the contact page. ok
made all the changes told to. ok
tried to submit and was denied. no good
actually wrote the code word by word exact and submitted.
still no good.
does the website have to be actively on the net in order for freedback to work. is there an error in the book that i can’t find?

I would have thought the file (web page) can reside on your computer and still work but obviously it needs to connect to the mail script on Freedback. So obviously you’ll need internet access when submitting but other than that it should theoretically still work since the action is a full Freedback URL. You might have made a typo with the variables it gave you.