Front page 2000 broken hyperlinks

I need some help fixing a few broken links. Using Front Page 2000 & Windows 8.
The Views-Reports option in FP shows some broken hyperlinks (see attachment “All broken links”), which shows= ”_themes/sandston/blhomep.gif” - and a few others like it plus= “formrslt.htm” - which is related to a feedback form on the “CONTACT THE ARTIST” page.

When I go to the = “edit hyperlink” box (see attachment: “themes - edit hyperlink”), I cannot figure out what to replace the hyperlink with or anything else, so I go to = “edit page” (see attachment: “themes - edit page”) to fix the broken hyperlink = “_themes/sandston/blhomep.gif”, but I cannot determine what is broken there or how to fix anything!!!

Regarding broken hyperlink= “formrslt.htm” (see attachment: “form - edit hyperlink”), I cannot determine what to do in the options box and when I go to “edit page”, (see attachment: “form—edit-page”), I am led to the “CONTACT THE ARTIST” page and have no idea what to do to find or fix any broken hyperlink in there.

I have been able to find and fix most other broken links in my FP site but not those mentioned above so……….

Thank you for whatever help you can offer on these issues,
Jim :slight_smile:

Hi jimrich. Man, that’s some old software you are using there. :smiley:

To get the link right, you have to know where things are in relation to each other in the site. If the link in the CSS file to _themes/sandston/blhomep.gif isn’t right, then you first have to find out where the /_themes/ folder is within you site structure. For example, is it in the home/root folder of the site? At the moment, the style sheet is being told to look for the /_themes/ in the same folder as it (the CSS file) itself resides.

Since Microsoft themselves abandoned that software as dead back in 2006 and the newest browser it properly supports is Internet Explorer 6 which is itself now dead (or very close to it) you will never get your web pages to work properly if you continue to use FrontPage.

I fixed the “themes” issues but am still working on the formrslt thing. The form at my site: is working so maybe it doesn’t matter if there is a so-called “broken link” in there. This is some of the code form the page in question (Contact).
<FORM METHOD=“POST” action=“–WEBBOT-SELF–” name=“Contact Artist” onSubmit=“”><!–webbot
bot=“SaveResults” startspan U-File=“formrslt.htm” S-Format=“HTML/DL”
B-Label-Fields=“TRUE” S-Email-Address=""
S-Email-Format=“TEXT/PRE” –><strong>[FrontPage Save Results Component]</strong><!–webbot
bot=“SaveResults” endspan –>

Thanks for everyone’s responses so far. If the link is “broken” but it’s on that page, what needs to be done to connect the hyperlink?
jim :slight_smile:

That U-File=“formrslt.htm” seems to be irrelevant anyway, as it’s hidden inside a comment. Again, though, if you wanted to fix the link, you’d need to establish where the file is in relation to the contact page to create an appropriate path to the file.

Miicrosoft replaced FrontPage so long ago that even its replacement Expression Web has itself been replaced by Visual Studio.

Using FrontPage instead of Visual Studio is like sending smoke signals when everyone else is using videophones.

I must admit I was a bit surprised seeing “Front page” and in the thread title as, as felgall has said, it has been gone a long, long time. So long that I’m even more surprised it could be used in Windows 8.

It is difficult to keep up with technology as everything changes so fast. But I think the best thing to do would be:

  • try to fix the broken link problem by trying ralph.m’s suggestions
  • consider this problem as a wake up call and use your time to update your site’s coding before it’s broken beyond repair.

I don’t think so. Though it looks like an unused link in a comment,

  1. It is used by the special FrontPage “webbot” extensions on the server, which are filling the formrslt.htm (formresult! :wink: ) file, that will save the form data for the mentioned mail address.
  2. If you delete this FP-only comment, the log-list of all messages will be deleted, and I’m afraid the whole form doesn’t work anymore.
  3. And … the file formrslt.htm is not a broken link, the file is existing in the given directory. I saw him! :slight_smile:
    E.g.: in the root of the site (though he should be saved in a not public directory; then outsiders like me cannot see what incoming messages there have been).

My suggestion: let it be as it is, or move the formrslt.htm page to a not public directory (and adapt the link).

Apart from this: I agree with all comments about the throwing away of FrontPage and his old fashioned and erroneous code (for instance: [U]30 Errors and 7 warnings[/U] the html-validator is reporting for the homepage; cross-browser not warranted!). *)
Besides that, I wonder how long providers will still support the FP-extensions on their servers… :rolleyes:
As Mittineague says: consider this problem as a wake up call and use your time to update your site’s coding before it’s broken beyond repair.

*) That is with the most forgiving "[U]Doctype[/U]" (html4.01-Transitional). If you check the page with the standard for sites after 1999 (html4.01-Strict), there are [URL=“”][U]60 errors[/U].
FrontPage was using all kinds of [U]deprecated code[/U]. :sick:

I have some experience with code so, how can I bring the “formrslt.htm” code out into the open where the “hyperlink” can be connected to whatever it is supposed to connect with?
How would you re-write this section of code?:
<FORM METHOD=“POST” action=“–WEBBOT-SELF–” name=“Contact Artist” onSubmit=“”><!–webbot
bot=“SaveResults” startspan U-File=“formrslt.htm” S-Format=“HTML/DL”
B-Label-Fields=“TRUE” S-Email-Address=""
S-Email-Format=“TEXT/PRE” –><strong>[FrontPage Save Results Component]</strong><!–webbot
bot=“SaveResults” endspan –>
thanks for whatever ideas you might have on this

Hi Jim,
With the risk to talk before my turn, I have the following points to consider.

The FrontPage specific handling of the form is now:

<FORM METHOD="POST" action="_vti_bin/shtml.exe/contact.htm" name="Contact Artist" 
   onSubmit="" webbot-action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" startspan U-File="formrslt.htm" S-Format="HTML/DL"
   B-Label-Fields="TRUE" S-Email-Address="..."
   S-Email-Format="TEXT/PRE" -->
<input TYPE="hidden" NAME="VTI-GROUP" VALUE="0">
<!--webbot bot="SaveResults" endspan i-checksum="43374" -->
(the form fields)
<a href="mailto:...">
   <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Submit Form" name="irenes form">

I gave it a try, and didn’t fill any fields, but just clicked on the submit button. Result:

  • I got a “Form Confirmation” page, with “Thank you for submitting the following information:”, then the list of empty fields + empty message, and a link “Return to the form.”
  • I guess that Irene has got the empty message in her mailbox - please say Sorry to her on behalf of me if you speak her: I didn’t know the form should be send when it was empty.
  • Calling the formrslt.htm, I can see my (empty) data are added. The time the page was made (to see in Firefox with a right click and “View page-info”), was the correct local time I submitted the form: Sunday 15 december 2013 18:34:23.
  • In the file I can see that you have posted also some rather empty test forms, the data/messages in it, … and your e-mail address (from which I can deduce that Irene will be your partner).

My conclusions:

  • This form doesn’t check empty values / valid values in the form fields. I don’t know what the handling file _vti_bin/shtml.exe/contact.htm is doing, but I guess it’s rather open for sending malicious code.
  • Visitors don’t have any privacy: everybody can read their messages/questions and their personal data as name/street address/city/phone number and e-mail address.
  • This is no way a safe form!


If you will get rid of the FP-extensions way and the unsafe form, that is not possible without making a whole new kind of form handling at the server.
Most used:

  • A javascript check on the form page, to see every field is filled correctly (with messages to the visitor, before submitting, if that is not the case).
  • After passing the javascript check, the submit button can be used.
  • But the javascript check is just for the user friendliness: it is not safe! (with disabled javascript the form can be submitted too)
  • Therefore the submit is leading to a special php-file on the server, which is (double)checking all values, and will only send the mail if everything is ok.
  • This php-handling is safe (if it is good configured): cannot be influenced from outside, and is hidden for the (good and bad) visitor.

What you can do:

  • Search for a good php-handled form, and implement that on the page/server.
  • Or use an online e-mail form service, which can do it automatically.

Thanks everyone. I am dropping the form idea and staying with just a link to our email if anyone needs to contact us about Irene’s art. The form thing was just a way to have some “fancy” extras at our page!
jim & Irene