Full Title Not Appearing Because of Title Parameter Text Limit; Trying to Modify

There’s module I’m using that has the following code:

var $title_limit;

$this->title_limit = $params->get('title_limit', 100); // Title chars limit

<param name="title_limit" type="text" default="100" label="TITLELIMIT" description="TITLELIMIT_DESC" />

    <div class="gk_ni_6_tab" style="margin-bottom: <?php echo $this->tabs_margin; ?>px;height: <?php echo (($this->module_height - ($this->tabs_margin*($this->tabs_per_page-1)))/$this->tabs_per_page); ?>px;">
     <img src="<?php echo $this->base_path_to_images; ?>/thumbs/<?php echo $this->slides[$i]['name']; ?>" alt="News Image" />
					<h4><?php echo htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(JString::substr($this->slides[$i][$field_title], 0, $this->title_limit))); ?></h4>
					<p><?php echo htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(JString::substr($this->slides[$i][$field_text], 0, $this->text_limit))); ?></p>
					<div class="gk_ni_6_hover"><div style="margin-top: <?php echo ((($this->module_height - ($this->tabs_margin*($this->tabs_per_page-1)))/$this->tabs_per_page)-41)/2; ?>px;"></div></div>

When the title is inserted within the form (the form input box itself has not size limit) and processed, it does not show the whole title. The database shows the complete title is in there, but for some reason, on the web page (top banner) itself, the title is cut by nearly half. How can I modify the code to where the module will display the complete title?

Which title where?

This one: