Full Width Nav Bar - Vertical Edition


Following on from Full Width Nav Bar

This is what I was getting at - is there a way of adapting the technique you used to present the navigation vertically?

Whipped this together in a few minutes.


That’s the basic technique.

Think of display table/table-cell as <table> and <td>. Just more semantic since you aren’t abusing this for non tabular data.

Table cells are perfect for this since they automatically base their height off one another. It’s a powerful tool to know. You have to do no work basically.

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Thanks! That was very quick. I do believe I have a use for this - all I have to do, is convince the relevant parties to make use of it… :smiley:

Send them over here I’ll smack them upside the head for a few minutes to loosen them up ;).

I just noticed I didn’t do your footer. Oh well.

Glad I could be of some help.

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I wasn’t expecting as much of the site as you did; I was just trying to set it in context for you. Thanks again.

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