Galleriffic and Accordions jQuery problem

Sure hope you can help me. I tried to hire the author of Gallerffic, but I have not gotten a response. I also posted in the JQuery forums, but so far no luck.

I cannot get the first photo of the first Accordion container to display in the enlargement area. What I get are FOUR of the same enlarged images (not even the correct image) vertically displayed down the page. The rest seems to be working OK.

Here is the website and page:

Here are the links to the css and various .js pages
Galleriffic CSS:
Galleriffic JS:
Galleriffic history JS:

Thank you so much for your help. I’ve been struggling with this for days. I’m not a coder.

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I’ve looked at the page and the first photo from the first accordion container seems to display in the same way as the other ones do.

Have you tried it in other web browsers, or on different machines? Why I ask is that the development machine might have local caching that’s interfering with things.

Hi Paul,
First, thanks for looking at this.
Yes, I’ve cleared the cache and looked at it on a Mac in Safari, Firefox and Opera. On my PC in Firefox, Chrome and IE. For all of them I get 4 images vertically displayed from the 4th accordion, first photo, which is number #30. It is a puzzlement that you see it correctly. (Thanks for your message, still a real possibility!)

The 4th accordion now, and not the first. Okay.

I open the page, open the 4th accordion and click on the first image. I still don’t see the problem when doing that. Hmm.

HI Paul,
It is just the loading of the first image that causes the problem. Once the accordion is activated and one of the thumbnails is click on, the whole thing works fine. I just can’t figure out how to get the first image to load on initial page load and for it to load once without repeating vertically down the page and ending up in the footer.
Thanks so much!!!

The cause of the problem is that you have four different galleries that are being created.

$('#thumbs0').galleriffic('#thumbs0', galleryOptions);
$('#thumbs1').galleriffic('#thumbs1', galleryOptions);
$('#thumbs2').galleriffic('#thumbs2', galleryOptions);
$('#thumbs3').galleriffic('#thumbs3', galleryOptions);

It wasn’t you that created that above code, was it? If not, the person who did do so really needs to learn a thing or two.

After each gallery is created, each gallery shows the first image.
Does galleriffic allow you to create a gallery without showing a starting image? Nope.
Does galleriffic provide built-in support for multiple galleries? I don’t think so.

So, it seems that some tidying up will need to be done after those galleries are created. That is, removing the contents from those other gallery areas, after they have been created.

Paul figured out the problem, if you are interested, you can see the page here: