Gallery with fancy tooltips for image caption: does it exist?

As I lack programming knowledge I’m looking for an easy to setup image gallery, and most I have found ar jQuery based. But none of the galleries I have found shows the image caption as a fancy tooltip when the cursor hovers over the main image, either it’s already there (i.e. Galleria, Pikachoose) or appears when clicking some object (such as in GalleryView). The funny thing is Pikachoose implements this in the thumbnails, but not in the main image.

Am I missing something? Maybe jQuery-based galleries are not the best fit, or I simply can’t find the gallery I need, but it’s surprising because my needs are very simple: main image with thumbnails at the bottom, and caption of main image shown on hover.

Any ideas?

Here’s a couple lists of various lightbox solutions:

Are you trying to implement this into a static website, or some sort of CMS?

Static. I guess there are many useful plugins for Wordpress (it’s the main CMS I have used), but the site where I need the gallery is super-simple, only a home page, gallery and 2 other sections, very seldom updated, so most CMS are overkill.

Look at the ones in the second link that don’t require a 3rd-party library.