
I have a form for adding websites to a DB (part of code below) Currently, the code is able to look for an image in a folder titled /media/ and if the image exists it previews it. Is it possible to have the code look for an image file name in the folder /media/ and if the file name exists to automatically generate_sef_url ? Right now it only previews the image and I have to manually save the form for the ser_url to be created. It would be great if there was a function that can automatically accomplish this.

						<td class="form_title" >Icon</td>
						<td><input type="file" name="fleIcon" />
							<img src="images/icons/help.png" onclick="showHelp(this)" style="cursor:pointer" />
							<div class="div_help"> The Image of the store to be displayed to visitor. </div>
								$file_name = "../media/".$form_data["WebsiteID"].".jpg" ;
								if ( file_exists ( $file_name ) )
									echo "<br><img src='$file_name' />" ;

	session_start ( ) ;
	require ( "inc.login_check.php" ) ;
	require_once ( "inc.admin_data.php" ) ;
	if ( intval ( $_SESSION["admin_rights"]["r_website"] ) == 0 )
		header ( "location:home.php" ) ;

include_once( "../classes/misc.func.php" );
	$form_data = array ( ) ;
	if ( intval ( $_GET["id"] ) > 0 )
		$dataArray = $data->select ( "Website" , "*" , array ( "WebsiteID" => intval ( $_GET["id"] ) ) ) ;
		$form_data = $dataArray[0] ;
	if ( $_POST )
		$postArray = $_POST ;
		if ( intval ( $postArray["WebsiteID"] > 0 ) )
			$dataValues = array ( ) ;
			foreach ( $postArray as $field => $value )
				if ( strchr ( $field , "_Setting_" ) )
					$fName = str_replace ( "_Setting_" , "" , $field ) ;
					$dataValues[$fName] = str_replace ("'","",stripslashes($value)) ;
			$dataValues["IsActive"] = 1 ;
			$data->update ( "Website" , $dataValues , array ( "WebsiteID" => $postArray["WebsiteID"] ) ) ;
			re_generate_sef_url ( $postArray["WebsiteTitle_Setting_"] , $postArray["WebsiteID"] , "Website" ) ;
			if ( $_FILES["fleIcon"]["name"] != "" )
				exec ( "chmod ../media/ 777" ) ;
				move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES["fleIcon"]["tmp_name"] , "../media/".$postArray["WebsiteID"].".jpg" ) ;
				exec ( "chmod ../media/ 755" ) ;
			$data->delete ( "Website_Tag" , array ( "WebsiteID" => $postArray["WebsiteID"] ) , 300 ) ;
			if ( ! empty ( $_POST["chkTag"] ) )
					foreach ( $_POST["chkTag"] as $tag )
						$data->insert ( "Website_Tag" , array ( "WebsiteID" => $_POST["WebsiteID"], "TagID" => $tag ) ) ;
			$data->delete ( "Website_Offers" , array ( "WebsiteID" => $postArray["WebsiteID"] ) , 50 ) ;
			if ( ! empty ( $_POST["EF_Title"] ) )
				exec ( "chmod ../media/ 777" ) ;
				foreach ( $_POST["EF_Title"] as $key => $val )
					if ( $val != "" )
						$araay_to = array ( 
												"WebsiteID" => $postArray["WebsiteID"],
												"OfferTitle" => $val,
												"Description" => $_POST["EF_Description"][$key],
												"LandingPage" => $_POST["EF_URL"][$key],
												"Image" => $_FILES["EF_Image"]["name"][$key],
											) ;
						if ( $_FILES["EF_Image"]["name"][$key] != "" )
							move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["EF_Image"]["tmp_name"][$key] , "../media/".$_FILES["EF_Image"]["name"][$key] ) ;
						$data->insert ( "Website_Offers" , $araay_to ) ;
				exec ( "chmod ../media/ 755" ) ;
			$_SESSION["str_system_message"] = "Website modified successfully." ;
			header ( "location:weblisting.php" ) ;
			exit ( ) ;
			$dataValues = array ( ) ;
			foreach ( $postArray as $field => $value )
				if ( strchr ( $field , "_Setting_" ) && $value != "" )
					$fName = str_replace ( "_Setting_" , "" , $field ) ;
					$dataValues[$fName] = str_replace ("'","",stripslashes($value)) ;
			$dataValues["IsActive"] = 1 ;
			$website_prev = $data->select ( "Website" , "*" , array ( "WebsiteTitle" => $dataValues["WebsiteTitle"] ) ) ;
			if ( empty ( $website_prev ) )
				$id = $data->insert ( "Website" , $dataValues ) ;
				if ( intval ( $id ) > 0 )
					generate_sef_url ( $_POST["WebsiteTitle_Setting_"] , $id , "Website" ) ;
					if ( ! empty ( $_POST["chkTag"] ) )
						foreach ( $_POST["chkTag"] as $tag )
							$data->insert ( "Website_Tag" , array ( "WebsiteID" => $id, "TagID" => $tag ) ) ;
					if ( $_FILES["fleIcon"]["name"] != "" )
						exec ( "chmod ../media/ 777" ) ;
						move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES["fleIcon"]["tmp_name"] , "../media/".$id.".jpg" ) ;
						exec ( "chmod ../media/ 755" ) ;
						$img = imagecreatefromjpeg ( "".$dataValues["AffilateURL"] ) ;
						exec ( "chmod ../media/ 777" ) ;
						imagejpeg( $img , "../media/".$id.".jpg" ) ;
						imagedestroy ( $img ) ;
						exec ( "chmod ../media/ 755" ) ;
					if ( ! empty ( $_POST["EF_Title"] ) )
						exec ( "chmod ../media/ 777" ) ;
						foreach ( $_POST["EF_Title"] as $key => $val )
							if ( $val != "" )
								$araay_to = array ( 
														"WebsiteID" => $id,
														"OfferTitle" => $val,
														"Description" => $_POST["EF_Description"][$key],
														"LandingPage" => $_POST["EF_URL"][$key],
														"Image" => $_FILES["EF_Image"]["name"][$key],
													) ;
								if ( $_FILES["EF_Image"]["name"][$key] != "" )
									move_uploaded_file( $_FILES["EF_Image"]["tmp_name"][$key] , "../media/".$_FILES["EF_Image"]["name"][$key] ) ;
								$data->insert ( "Website_Offers" , $araay_to ) ;
						exec ( "chmod ../media/ 755" ) ;
					$_SESSION["str_system_message"] = "Website added successfully." ;
					$form_data = $dataValues ;
					$_SESSION["str_system_message"] = "Website title already exists." ;
			header ( "location:weblisting.php" ) ;
			exit ( ) ;
	$siteSettings = null ;

:frowning: no takers?