Generating UTC time

I am trying to display the following select options. It displays a option value of all times during the day in 30 minute increments but I want the value to display the UTC time of that value.

 $options = array(); $min30=array('00','30');
    foreach (range(0,23) as $fullhour) {
       $parthour = $fullhour > 12 ? $fullhour - 12 : $fullhour;
        foreach($min30 as $int){
            if($fullhour > 11){
                echo "<option value='UTC TIME HERE'>".$options[$fullhour.".".$int]=$parthour.":".$int." PM</option>";
                if($fullhour == 0){$parthour='12';}
                echo "<option value='UTC TIME HERE'>".$options[$fullhour.".".$int]=$parthour.":".$int." AM</option>" ;

Can anyone give me any advice?

Can I imbed some sort of count function in there as well to generate the UTC time?

Can I imbed some sort of count function in there as well to generate the UTC time?

Can I imbed some sort of count function in there as well to generate the UTC time?

I suggest you to save time in correct format in DB if it’s possible

What timezone is the server set to use?

Simplest solution would be either to update the php.ini to set the timezone for all your pages or to add it at the top of the script to set it just for that one page.

Can you send example of what you mean?