Get element and hide its childs


I have html like this

<div class="nH" id="ga"></div>
<div class="nH" style="width:225px">
    <div class="nH"></div>

I need to hide (display:none) all childs of the element <div class=“nH” style=“width:225px”>

How could I do that in plain javascript?

<script type="text/javascript">

function hideChildrenOfDivAfter( id )
 var e = document.getElementById( id ), children;

 if( e )
  while( (e = e.nextSibling) && e.nodeName !== 'DIV' )

 if( e )
  children = e.childNodes;

  for(var i in children )
   if( children[ i ].style )
    children[ i ].style.display = 'none' ; 


<p><input type='button' value='Hide' onclick='hideChildrenOfDivAfter("ga")'>

Thanks Sgt. As trying to write a user script for greasemonky, to customized a website, I can’t change the html as your suggestion. The html is fixed.

function nh225(){
    var who, child, 
    nodes= document.getElementsByTagName('*');
    for(var i= 0, L= nodes.length; i<L; i++){
        who= nodes[i];
        if(who.className== 'nh' && 
            child= who.lastChild;
            while(child!= null){
                if( 'none';
                child= child.previousSibling;
            return who;
    return null; 

This is how i would do it


<div id="nH" class="nH" style="width:225px">
    <div class="nH"></div>
if (document.all){ // IE Only
    var childNodes = document.all.nH.childNodes;
} else {
    var childNodes = document.getElementById('nH').childNodes;
if (childNodes != null){
    for(var i=0, max=childNodes.length; i<max; i++){
        if (childNodes[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'div'){
            childNodes[i].style.display = 'none';

Hope that helps, it doesn’t include an argument for <p> but im sure you could work the rest out