Get result of quiz by email ( POST function)

Hi everybody,

I’m having lot of trouble since the last days to complete this online quiz I’m doing,
I’ve create an online quiz, and I need at the end of it, once submitting ot, to send the name,email and results of this by email.

I’ve been trying lot of different ways to do it, but I can not achieve it, If anybody can help me, at least to which way to go ( Im beginning in PHP and Jquery), I’ll be really so thanksfull !!!

here is my Jquery part:

    var jQuiz = {
        answers: { q1: 'a', q2: 'a', q3: 'a', q4: 'a', q5: 'a' },
        questionLenght: 5,
        checkAnswers: function() {
            var arr = this.answers;
            var ans = this.userAnswers;
            var resultArr = []
            for (var p in ans) {
                var x = parseInt(p) + 1;
                var key = 'q' + x;
                var flag = false;
                if (ans[p] == 'q' + x + '-' + arr Smiley key ) {
                    flag = true;
                else {
                    flag = false;
            return resultArr;
        init: function(){
                if ($('input[type=radio]:checked:visible').length == 0) {

                    return false;
                $(this).parents('.questionContainer').fadeOut(500, function(){
                var el = $('#progress');
                el.width(el.width() + 120 + 'px');
                $(this).parents('.questionContainer').fadeOut(500, function(){
                var el = $('#progress');
                el.width(el.width() - 120 + 'px');
                var arr = $('input[type=radio]:checked');
                var ans = jQuiz.userAnswers = [];
                for (var i = 0, ii = arr.length; i < ii; i++) {
                var results = jQuiz.checkAnswers();
                var resultSet = '';
                var trueCount = 0;
                for (var i = 0, ii = results.length; i < ii; i++){
                resultSet += '<div class="totalScore"></br>Your total score is ' + trueCount * 1 + ' / 5</div>'
				if (trueCount > 4) {
 resultSet += '<div class="totalScoreok"></br>CONGRATULATION YOU PASS, why not to try the next level ?</div>'
									  if (trueCount <= 4 && trueCount >2)  {
 resultSet += '<div class="totalScoreok"></br>YOUR LEVEL IS OK</div>'
				 if (trueCount <= 2) {
 resultSet += '<div class="totalScoreok"></br>YOU SUCK</div>'


my PHP submit:

<?php $name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$formcontent="From: $name \
 Message: $message";
$formcontent .= $totalScoreok . " out of 5 correct!\
$recipient = "";
$subject = "Contact Form Kino Web";
$mailheader = "From: $email \\r\
mail($recipient, $subject, $formcontent, $mailheader) or die("Error!");
echo "Your email has been send, thank you";
sleep(1);//seconds to wait..

the information I want to add are basicly the class ‘totalScoreok’ and the id “resultKeeper”

I’ve been trying to play aroundn and also add this function in the jquery part, but I dont receive anything with it.

$(function() {
      $('#button').click(function(e) {
                  data:{'message':$('.totalScoreok').html(),'subject':'Subject of your e-mail'},
                  success:function(data) {
                        alert('You data has been successfully e-mailed');
                        alert('Your server-side script said: ' + data);

here is the part of my html part with the submit button, if it can help . …

    <div class="btnContainer">
        <div class="prev">
            <a class="btnPrev"><< Prev</a>
        <div class="next">

<form action="submit.php" method="POST" id="form">

    <input name="name" placeholder="Type Here">

    <input name="email" type="email" placeholder="Type Here">

    <textarea name="message" placeholder="Type Here"></textarea>

        <input id="button" type="submit" value="Send">



I really appreciate any highlites,

thanks in advances =)

If you are redirecting to a new page in PHP after the form is submitted, why are you using jquery?? Seems a bit counter intuitive