Get user number group by age range and gender

I’m again in the troubles :frowning:

SELECT A.domain_id, U.birthday AS field, DATE( access_start_datetime ) AS DATE, COUNT( ) AS value
FROM stats_access A
JOIN users U ON = A.fb_id
GROUP BY DATE( A.access_start_datetime ) , U.birthday, A.domain_id

with this query I get the number of the users group by birthday

SELECT A.domain_id, U.gender as field, DATE(access_start_datetime) as date, COUNT( as value
FROM  stats_access A
JOIN users U ON = A.fb_id
GROUP BY DATE(A.access_start_datetime), U.gender, A.domain_id;

with this query I get the number of the users group by gender

but how is the query to get the number group by age range and gender :frowning:
17-25 (male 10,female 5)
25-35 (male 5,female 10)
and so on

A big thanks in advance :slight_smile:

please define how you want “age” to be calculated

is access_start_datetime the actual user’s birthday???

Something like this (not tested since I don’t have MySQL installed anywhere…)

SELECT     A.domain_id
     ,     U.gender
     ,     CASE 
            WHEN FLOOR((TO_DAYS(NOW())- TO_DAYS(access_start_datetime)) / 365.25) < 17 THEN '1-16'
            WHEN FLOOR((TO_DAYS(NOW())- TO_DAYS(access_start_datetime)) / 365.25) > 16 < 25 THEN '17-24'
            WHEN FLOOR((TO_DAYS(NOW())- TO_DAYS(access_start_datetime)) / 365.25) > 24 < 36 THEN '25-35'
            ELSE 'Older than Methesulah'
        END AS age
     ,     COUNT( AS AgeCount 
  FROM    stats_access A 
  INNER JOIN users U ON = A.fb_id 
  GROUP BY A.domain_id
         , U.gender
         , CASE 
                WHEN FLOOR((TO_DAYS(NOW())- TO_DAYS(access_start_datetime)) / 365.25) < 17 THEN '1-16'
                WHEN FLOOR((TO_DAYS(NOW())- TO_DAYS(access_start_datetime)) / 365.25) > 16 < 25 THEN '17-24'
                WHEN FLOOR((TO_DAYS(NOW())- TO_DAYS(access_start_datetime)) / 365.25) > 24 < 36 THEN '25-35'
                ELSE 'Older than Methesulah'

The age I want to be calculated

No, it’s not but I need the data group by access_start_datetime (that’s query is done to make a view querying by a range of time day,week,mont,year)

Thanks for your help

it workish :slight_smile: without the : in the CASE statement
the result
domain_id gender age AgeCount
3 male 1*-16 3300
3 female 1-16 720
4 male 1
-16 3214
4 female 1*-16 756
5 male 1*-16 3102
5 female 1*-16 744

but I’ve user older than 16 ^^
all in all it’s a good start point :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for your help.

out of curiosity
Methesulah stand for what ?

sorry I didn’t see
TO_DAYS(NOW())- TO_DAYS(access_start_datetime))
it should be
TO_DAYS(NOW())- TO_DAYS(U.birthday))

Ooops. Change all of the TO_DAYS(access_start_datetime) to TO_DAYS(U.Birthday)