Getting confused, pls help

Hi all.

I am reading some ip addresses from a txt file. I want to break them in a set of 30 IP address and assign them to their seperate variables for further reference. The issue is, this text file will contain more ip address in coming days and want my application(console application) to be scalable. I am newbie to .net so i am sorry if i am asking something very basic but pls guide me. I want to achieve something logically like below

[1] = “” “” “” “” … “”
[2] = “” “”

Someone pls guide me

Can you provide a sample format of the text file?

Its like this
… so on

Okay, so the below should accomplish this, and I know there are other ways to accomplish this as well, but this should get you started

			var ipAddresses = new List<List<string>>();
			using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("C:\\\\ipaddresses.txt"))
				string ipAddress;
				int ipAddressLocation;
				int ipAddressCount = 1;

				// Read to the end of the file
					// Read the ip address
					ipAddress = sr.ReadLine();
					// Determine which array the ip address should be part of
					ipAddressLocation = (int)Math.Floor(ipAddressCount/30.0);

					// Check that the array exists, otherwise, create it
					if (ipAddresses.Count <= ipAddressLocation)
						ipAddresses.Add(new List<string>());

					// Add the ip address to its' array


Thanks alot, it workded perfectly

thanks alot sir


Please dont mind, i am trying to understand your logic, and so far its amazing. I am having just one problem, if there are any ip addresses that do not fit in the 30 set, they are not counted. I mean i have total 126 ip addresses. As you can see, till 120 it forms 4 sets and the rest 6 ip addresses are not included. Can you kindly help me out

thanks alot in advance and i wont bother you with continous request. this is the last one sir

I changed ipAddressCount = 1 to ipAddressCount = 0

			var ipAddresses = new List<List<string>>();
			using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("C:\\\\ipaddresses.txt"))
				string ipAddress;
				int ipAddressLocation;
				int ipAddressCount = 1;

				// Read to the end of the file
					// Read the ip address
					ipAddress = sr.ReadLine();
					// Determine which array the ip address should be part of
					ipAddressLocation = (int)Math.Floor(ipAddressCount/30.0);

					// Check that the array exists, otherwise, create it
					if (ipAddresses.Count <= ipAddressLocation)
						ipAddresses.Add(new List<string>());

					// Add the ip address to its' array


This gave me 5 arrays, the first 4 have 30 ip addresses each, the last has 6 (verified using a debugger).