Getting node text from a ul

I’m trying to output the text value from a list node. Any idea why it’s not working. How do i tell how many childNodes are in the ul element?

function test(){

	var x = document.getElementById("test");


<ul id="test">

Ah yes, the old “phantom node” talk.

run a

var nodeArray = x.childNodes;

Then see what is contained in your nodeArray (you have Firebug right?). If you see something like this:

, <li>, \
, <li>, \

Then you have pesky phantom nodes. The way around this is to make yourself an array that filters out the phantom nodes. So something like this

var i;
var liArray = [];
for (i=0; i < nodeArray.length; i++) {
if (nodeArray[i].nodeType == 1) { //nodeType == 1 means it's an element node (not a text node like "\
" would be)

then liArray should only contain your <li> elements. Good luck!