GIT Deployment

Need help and advice in deploying code online. I plan to do so within the year, and want to start plans on the deployment. I’ve never used GIT before so any advice will be welcome.

I am for now. But SVN doesn’t provide an easy public interface.

The workflow I use with git is based on this article: A web-focused Git workflow | Joe Maller

Also, I just read this other article you may find interesting: Nick Farina - Git Is Simpler Than You Think

And of course there is the Pro git book (which I understand to be the book on git) which you can read online for free: Pro Git - Table of Contents
You can also download the source code for that book. Guess where (:

Best advice…use SVN instead. :stuck_out_tongue:

Any reasoning behind this?

Using ‘git’ requires an adjustment in your thinking. {I highly recommned the Pro Git Book for that }
The payoff for understanding ‘git’ is HUGE.

I have used many systems (mostly a mandate of the job) and I resisted using ‘git’ originally (when it was intoduced to me).
I am now a big fan and evangelist of ‘git’

PHP will be switching to git as well, php.internals: [RESULT] Choosing a distributed version control system for PHP

:shrug: I use prototype and scriptaculous heavily. I suppose I should ask their project admins why they switched over. Between them and Linus Torvalds putting the kernal in GIT I was curious about what it offers.

I am for now. But SVN doesn’t provide an easy public interface.

Not sure I follow, what is so unfriendly about it’s interface?

If you uploaded to Google code, it’s a matter of simply copying the checkout command and using svn CLI client or TortoiseSVN (personal preference).

Google code provides bug tracking, source browsing with revisions, etc. It’s quite simple and powerful - light years ahead of SourceForge. And I think you can use GIT as well if you so desire.
