Go-Advanced should be the DEFAULT

It’s a real pain in the ass to have to click “Go Advanced” everytime I reply on here.

The default behavior that most people probably use/expect is to have acccess to full editing/markup capabilities when the Respond…

Please give me back years on my life like the old SitePoint… :rolleyes:


I almost never click the “Go Advanced” button. It is so much easier to just type the BB codes directly into the quick reply box rather than to have to work out which buttonon the advanced screen to use to generate it.

Nearly always I’m just using basic text and just like @felgall said, the few times I do anything else I just handtype the BBcode.

How much markup are you really doing that the basic bold, italic, and underline isn’t enough?


2.) Uploading screenshots

3.) Indenting

4.) Bullets

5.) Change Font Colors

6.) Etc.


this one is fair … except that if you look at the bottom right corner of the window you can make it bigger

2.) Uploading screenshots

3.) Indenting

4.) Bullets

5.) Change Font Colors

6.) Etc.

And how often do you really do these things? Seriously I’ll bet that most replies use basic text. It’s only a few that you need advanced features for and for those few what’s a few seconds to click that button.

This way things aren’t being cluttered up … AND SLOWED DOWN … painting a bunch of crap that’s not used very often.

Lets face it, sitepoint is a huge forum with a lot of people and a lot of traffic. They probably save a BOAT LOAD in bandwidth costs by NOT putting up the advanced editor for every person every time.


Just double click the reply button.

Now THAT is pretty darn cool!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:



P.S. I still stand by what I said, and SitePoint should at least advertise this “hidden” double-clicking feature…

I found it accidentally. :slight_smile:

Most of those things you can do in the basic view. You can drag a bigger type area (I think it only is small by default on small screens, coz for me on a big screen the type area is large). You can upload screen shots in basic view, as well as color text, bold it. The one thing I really miss is the code tags, but that is being looked into.