Google Apps for Email

I noticed Google Apps is now charging charging $5 per user (per month) for email.
Is there a free service that can handle email for me? The options included in cPanel such as Squirrel Mail are not that great.
Or is Google Apps the only one to really go with?


I hadn’t heard that Google is charging per user. I thought it was one payment for the year. Anyway, I found their setup too confusing so gave up on it.

Regarding CPanel and Squirrel Mail etc, are you in need specifically of webmail? If not, the normal process is to set up your desktop email client (like Outlook or whatever) to download those emails so that you never would normally log in to Squirrel mail (unless you are on the go).

I have not heard about any charge for Gmail per user or per year.
Gmail is always a free, safe & secure mail service of Google for its users.

Here it is laid out in detail. Not sure why they are charging for this service now? It was nice while it was free.