Grab everything in URL after first slash

We are in the process of building a german website to accompany our english website, and basically we wont the user to be able to click a flag on any page and the user will go to the indentical page on the other website, its all set up ready to go but i cant work out how to grab everything after the .com or so I can paste it onto the other domain name to use as a link in the flag.

So this is just one example of a string.

So the bit I want always is everythng after -

Which in this case is - /hotel.php?hotel_ID=247007&Type=3&Resort=363#sthash.JFxlzIxA.cPAh6Iez.dpbs


Sorry all,

I think I got it now, using:

$actual_link = “$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]”;

echo’d it out and got exactly what I need