Grabbing full url plus after?

I am trying ot grab the FULL url but only seem to be able to grab the first bit, everything after ? I cant seem to grab.

Here is my full path:

here is what Im getting:

and here is my code:

$actual_link = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
echo $actual_link;

Cheers before hand.

$_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] SHOULD have the query string attached. It seems that it isnt though.

$_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’] will contain the rest. (But not the ?. You’ll have to insert that yourself)

Right I see, OK have added what I need after the ? and its working great.

Cheers for getting back to me


Try this to get the all the other Server settings:

echo '<pre>';
  print_r( $_SERVER );
echo '</pre>';