Graphs - actor_id - distinct values not returned


I am trying to find the list of 15 distinct friends who posted on my wall and I use this query,

SELECT actor_id FROM stream WHERE source_id = me() limit 15.

I want distinct 10 friend’s id but the result contains repetitive value too, as a result I am not getting distinct 10 friend ids.

As i understand I cannot use unique in FQL. How could I solve this?

You can either use distinct or group by. Since I don’t know what FQL is I can not say whether they are supported.

select distinct actor_id
  from stream
 where source_id = me()
 limit 15

select actor_id
  from stream
 where source_id = me()
    by actor_id
 limit 15

Hi swampBoogie,

Thanks for the reply. I tried the above query and I get ‘Parser error: unexpected ‘group’ at position 55’.
This is my FQL actor_id from stream where source_id = me() group by actor_id limit 15

I also read from few documentations that FQL does not support group by. Could that be a reason? Please help

If neither distinct nor group by is supported I can’t help you. If there is some support forum for FQL you might ask there.