Group by issue

My table has duplicated property addresses. I want to pick up latest records, group by property address which means group by should only pick those addresses which are order by date desc and not asc:

Query is:

SELECT p.property_address, oh.dates, oh.statuss FROM property p INNER JOIN operations_history oh ON ((p.market_ref=oh.mar_ref)) WHERE ((oh.statuss IN(‘Offer Rejected’,‘Decreased Rejected5’)) OR (oh.statuss IN(’ Pending’,‘Increased Pending’))) AND oh.activity_type IN(‘Pending’,‘Sale Agreed’) AND oh.dates like ‘2015-05%’ group by p.property_address,oh.dates order by oh.dates desc

You need a two step query here. NOTE: this assumes you’re using a true datetime field and not straight date, which will make this request nearly impossible.

Step 1 will pull the property_address and the MAX(dates) for the property
Step 2 will pull the information you’re pulling in above, but limit it to the property address and date combinations which show up in step 1.

SELECT p.property_address , oh.dates , oh.statuss FROM property p INNER JOIN ( SELECT mar_ref , MAX(dates) AS latest FROM operations_history WHERE statuss IN ('Offer Rejected' ,'Decreased Rejected5' ,' Pending' ,'Increased Pending') AND activity_type IN ('Pending' ,'Sale Agreed') AND dates >= '2015-05-01' AND dates < '2015-06-01' GROUP BY mar_ref ) AS x ON x.mar_ref = p.market_ref INNER JOIN operations_history oh ON oh.mar_ref = x.mar_ref AND oh.dates = x.latest

Great many thanks, Excellent help !!!

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