Group By using Order By

Im trying to crack a query to list my details in particular order. My Tables are as mentioned below.


[B]company_id |  car_company[/B]
1  	               Honda
2  	               Toyota
3 	               Bmw
4                     Benz


[B]model_id | company_id  |	model_name[/B]
1  	          1               Jazz
2  	          2               Corola
3  	          1               City
4  	          1               Civic
5 	          2               Hybrid
6  	          1   		   Accord
7 	          2               Camry
8 	          3               Roadster
9 	          4		   S-Class
10	          3		   M3 Coupe
11	          3		   M5 Sedan
12	          4		   E-Class
13	          4 		   SLK
14	          4		   SLR


[B]id |  mode_id   [/B]
1  	1
2  	2
3  	1
4  	1
5  	2
6  	1
7  	2
8  	2
9  	2
10 	3
11 	3
12 	3
13 	4
14 	3
15 	4
16 	3
17     4
18     4
19     10
20     11
21     12
22	13
23     5
16     6
24     8
25     9
26     10
27     11
28     12
29	13

For example if i take Sales list of Honda Car(company_id =1)

Model with maximum sales should be on top,
If sales counts are equal the it should be in the Alphabetic Order.


[B]car_company | model_name | sales_count | model_id[/B]

Honda 	  	City      	      5   	3
Honda 	  	Civic     	      3   	4
Honda 	  	Jazz      	      3   	1
Honda 	  	Accord    	      0   	6

Thanks in advance

sales_count DESC,