Group Results by data field

Hello, I am having problems with grouping records while showing the group data only once.  I am trying to get them in a html table that would look like:

| tblTable1.fldField1    | tblTable1.fldField2  | tblTable1.fldField3    |
| 12653                  | PBXL                 | 396.52                 |
|                        | ABCD                 | 426.28                 |
|                        | GEDL                 | 385.20                 |
| 12654                  | ABCD                 | 515.18                 |
|                        | FGHL                 | 520.00                 |
| 12659                  | PBXL                 | 612.35                 |
|                        | FGHL                 | 619.20                 |
|                        | XTRL                 | 420.39                 |

$mydata101 = "SELECT tblTable1.fldField1 as 'group', tblTable1.fldField2, tblTable1.fldField3 as 'name' FROM tblTable1 GROUP BY tblTable1.fldField1";
$mydata102 = mysql_query($mydata101);
$group = null;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($mydata102))
        if($row['group'] != $group)
            echo $row['group'];
            $group = $row['group'];

Any help would be great appreciated.

can’t help you with the php, but in your query, GROUP BY should be ORDER BY


Say you follow r937s advice, and also change your sql slightly so that you have:

"SELECT tblTable1.fldField1 as Group, tblTable1.fldField2 as Acronym, tblTable1.fldField3 as Value FROM tblTable1 ORDER BY tblTable1.fldField1";

Does that give you an array looking something like this?

var_dump( $row) ;

0 => array(
'Group'=> 12659,
'Acronym'=> 'PBXA',
'Value'=> 123.05

// and so on


If so, is your question still how do I get this to display in a table?
Is it important that either the value or the Acronym be in any descending order too?



$query = "SELECT  help.field1 , help.field2, help.field3 from help order by help.field1";

$result = mysql_query($frmritebids2101) or die(mysql_error());

$first_written = false;
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
        echo "<table class='result'  border='1'>";
        while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
                echo "<tr>";
                if(!$first_written || $first_written != $row['field1'])
                        echo "<td>{$row['field1']}</td>";
                        $first_written = $row['field1'];
                        echo "<td></td>";
                echo "<td>{$row['field2']}</td>";
                echo "<td>{$row['field3']}</td>";
                echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>";