Groups with userlevels in php+sql

Hi. My experience with PHP / SQL / JS etc is at an average level, still learning and improving. I have an important project and some of the things that I need to create, I might have an idea on the structure but cannot figure out the proper code for it. The db is set up for the website for [registration] / [log in] which they work but I have to implement user groups, by that I mean to have indexed groups with users that register on the website and so they can create a group and invite people to group and ban people from the group, with two user levels : Admin / User. I’m not asking for the full code but if someone is goodhearted to help me with an advice and hints on which I can get started from to create the actual groups. Thanks in advance.

So as far as the database goes, i’ll tell you the same thing i told someone years ago. Database design is three steps:

  1. Determine what you want to store data about. (Tables)
  2. Determine what data you want to store about those things (Fields)
  3. Determine the relationships between those things. (Joining Tables and/or linking queries)

As far as the Coding:

  1. Determine what actions you will need to perform (you’ve got a start on this, but keep going. “ban people from the group”… do you want them to be able to unban as well?)
  2. Determine what those actions will require beforehand. (Who can create groups? What permissions do you need to be able to invite people?)
  3. Determine what those actions will require at execution time. (To create a group, i’ll need a name. And a founding member. And a description. Or whatever.)

Thanks for the tips and info, I will try to figure it out even tho I’m a bit inexperienced in coding at linking queries and actions but I appreciate the help!