Guest blogging for new site

I am considering to find a way to have people do some guest blogging on one of my sites in order to get quality content fast from different perspectives. I have a list of 500 authors (from using google alerts for a year) that have written articles about the subject that the site is all about but what should I offer them to get them interested? I realize that if I offer them x dollars I can get anyone to write an article so I am looking for other incentives than money… <snip/>

I can add that even though it is difficult to extimate the value the guest blogger gets from being on the new site the domain is an exact match for a phrase that they have tried to rank on before so backlinks should count for something.

I think that if you are interested in attracting guest bloggers, a good way is to advertise it on your blog. I would also use Social Media to put out the word.

From my experience, cross promoting can be of greater importance than money alone.
You can go to business2community and talk to bloggers there - this will give you useful info as for what bloggers actually value more today.
Another thing is that a lot of people who blog have their own companies, so you can have a following deal with them - they do guest blogging for you, and you put a link or reference to their company’s website

Putting a request for guest authors on your blog would be the first step. But you are right that it may be hard to attract guest authors to a brand new domain with no reputation or authority. The first step may to build up your domain popularity. In the mean time, the best option may be to pay for articles or write them yourself.


You are on the right track here. Guest blogging is a great way to get some fresh expert perspectives onto your website and also change things up a bit for your readers.

One thing you could do it look at any tracking software you have enabled for your blog and see which blogs or website are already sending you traffic. Then you could reach out to those website owners and see if they would be interested in collaborating. If they are already sending traffic, chances are that their visitors are also interested in your content.

Here are some more tips for you,

Hope that helps,


in addition to the above suggestions, you can also put in your website some sort of advertisements that your accepting guest bloggers. It could be a “write for us” button or a landing page so that when a user visits your website, he/she would know that you are accepting guest posts.

I agree with “Putting a request for guest authors on your blog would be the first step”

You can also try listing your website on guest blogging communities such as MyBlogGuest and BloggerLinkUp. They can help you to hook up with writers, authors and bloggers who are willing to contribute guest posts.

However, as a new website, try to be strict on the moderation on guest posts. A lot of guest authors or bloggers out there are submitting low quality 500 words article just to get a backlink from your website. If these articles or blog posts add little value to your users or readers, your blog will not appeal to the audience that you are trying to target. This may even affect your SEO efforts in the long term. Sites hosting a lot of low value content may be seen by Google as a content farm that site owners use to get links, thus devaluing the authority (and of course, rankings) of your website in the search results.

Create a guest post page on your website. secondly start posting in webmaster forums and ask for guest posts.