Guys, where to buy pillows with special icons, for example, of Twitter or Facebook?

Hi! Have a problem… Looking for special pillows featured with an icon of Twitter or Facebook. Want it to be handmade and of cool design. Who knows where to buy?

Hi @garryhook, and welcome to the forums.

This seems like a question you could easily answer for yourself with a quick Internet search. I found several results when I tried that.

Take a look at some people’s Etsy stores.

As @TechnoBear says, do a Google search - that’ll be much more informative than simply asking us all to do Google searches for you, when we don’t know exactly what you want anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

On the other hand, this is the most interesting topic title I have seen in awhile. lol

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Would you be so kind to give a few links? Thanks, you will help greatly. That’s not so easy for me, all such pillows are presented abroad, I need something with cheap delivery to Ukraine.

Well, I’m in the UK - and I’m sure you don’t expect me to go through the links to find out whether they deliver to Ukraine or not. You could try searching with, but I would imagine a local search would be more likely to yield relevant results for your location.

(As a general rule, we don’t like questions asking for links, because they can be used as a pretext for Spammers. I’m sure you understand.)

Thanks, I have found great choice at normal pricing, have already ordered.

Glad you found a solution you’re happy with, and hope it works out.

As a word of caution, I would never buy from a site like this, with no contact information apart from an on-line form - no physical address, no telephone number. Things like this in the “Privacy Policy” do nothing to reassure me:


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