Has anyone here coded web workers? (moved)

Hi, everyone,

Has anyone here written anything for a web worker?

I’m just trying to learn about web workers, and I see that FF and Chrome support workers, since version 3; Opera and Safari also support workers. But IE didn’t start supporting workers until 10, and even then it’s very limited.

I know that web workers can be a very powerful and robust way of having the client system do some serious heavy lifting without freezing the UI. But why is support so limited?

Thanks, and


Because it is still only a candidate recommendation and may yet change before it finally becomes a standard.

Och… didn’t realise that it hadn’t been standardised, yet. Thanks!



There have been lots of proposals for new code introduced over the past few years aln most of them are yet to become standard. HTML 5 only became a standard four weeks ago.

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I was beginning to think they’d never get the HTML5 standards finished. Felt like forever.



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