Have you used Varnish-Cache?

If you’ve used Varnish-Cache…
I’m looking for a solution that will cache several short (90second)videos (which load into several players) on a php web page, so that the videos don’t need to be downloaded each time from the source - each time the web page appears.

Do you know if Varnish-Cache would be a good solution for this scenario?
Or would it not be good because the videos take up too much memory?
and slow things down

I am a little confused about your question, since it is not really what Varnish does (i.e. cache videos).

I am not certain if you confuse visitor side cache, with server side cache which Varnish (and other solutions) provide.

Can you elaborate a little more on why you want to cache these videos? I.e. what is the reason you do not want them to be downloaded from the current source.


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