Today is HAWK Day.
That means that you can all do nothing for a while and just celebrate me.

pushing at the boundaries of the new forum rules already, are we?

you go, girl


Rules? There are rules here? Damn, I’m in the wrong job.

The only rules followed here are the rules of rock! :hangin:

I didn’t think you were worth celebrating?

Edit: And I do nothing EVERY day.

Yeah, nothing but celebrate me.

so when do I get my Tequila?

Oh great HAWK we are not worthy… What is your bidding magnificent Overlord of SPF and official patron of National HAWK Day. Oh, yeah I remember no Mentor duties are required today as I’ll be busy celebrating.

Tequila. I like your thinking.

with Nachos and cheese :smiley:

om nom nom.
So, is this HAWK day an annual thing then? Monthly? Daily maybe? :smiley:

I’d go with daily only I don’t want it to lose it’s appeal, so let’s make it an annual thing. You can drink tequila on other days though if you like.

and some hot ‘n’ spicy dip

I’ve got the same thing with my wife. She’s trying to make every single day, her day :wink:

So while you were being worshipped on ‘HAWK Day’ did it feel good that your beloved staff were busily partying away in your honour. :slight_smile:

I missed HAWK day! :frowning:
Can I do nothing today instead? :smiley:

It did. Nothing like instigating a good party.

Sure, why not. I’m a fair boss.

I’m going to have to take a deferred HAWK day - I need one, but I’m too busy :frowning:

(and it’ll have to be vodka for me - tequila and me don’t play well :D)


-celebrates the HAWK- :smiley:

See Sarah, we even have one our new Community Mentors trying to celebrate your very own special day. :slight_smile: