Height chnage in css doesnot effect in page

used external css file
in which i have defined the header height . the header has image
but though i increase of decrease the height in css , it has no effect on the page
how do i solve it

Code please :slight_smile:

To what element are you applying the height? An inline element cannot take dimensions unless it is made display:block.

We’d need to see your code to debug.


the menu shld come little down & the image height shld incease

The h1 has no height set. You just have padding holding the element open.

h1{padding:150px 0}

If you want more height then increase the padding.

Thanks a lot
i was changing height of some other element

with regards to the same i wanted to know how could i make some templates and insert it in the respective positions

like the button menu & the news sections are same in all pages
so if i make a template i can call it in any pages

culd u give an example

You can use Sever Side Includes (SSI/ Php includes) to automate the process.

There are many tutorials around so best go straight there for more info.