Help: Exporting/importing JS modules with Browserify

Hi. I’m new when it comes to Browserify (and modules as a whole in JS) and am wanting help on how to export/import them corretly. I write my JS using The Revealing Module Pattern in an object, however I keep getting errors when compiling it using the way I’m importing/exporting in Browserify.

Below is a basic example of how I’m writing my module, using the namespace of App.

var App = App || {};

App.addBodyClass = (function ($) {
  'use strict';

  var init = function() {

  return {
    init: init


The way how I’ve been trying to do it, is in /modules/addBodyClass.js I have…


'use strict';

var App = App || {};

App.addBodyClass = (function ($) {

  var init = function() {

  return {
    init: init


module.exports = APP.addBodyClass;

Then I’m importing into my index.js file the following way

var addBodyClass = require('./modules/addBodyClass');

var App = App || {};

$(function () {
  'use strict';

Can anyone help/explain how I can get this working, and if there’s any improvements that can be made? Improvements such as, do I use “use strict” inside each module, or in index.js? Do I need to use var App = App || {}; inside each module as it’s the namespace, or just once at the top of the index.js file?

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