Help me to know duplicate urls

I am a E-commerce site owner in United States deals with home decor. I owned x-cart 4.1.1 which had seopro addon, that was generating url’s for the site. Now I have upgraded to x-cart 4.4.5 which generate url’s automatic. Past we had url’s ending with no slash { / }. eg. [noparse][/noparse] , now these url’s are to redirect to [noparse][/noparse]… after redirecting the url the output url comes as. [noparse][/noparse], so the urls ends with // after being redirected with 301 common and redirection rule from ht-access.

Can anyone help me to understand, Does Google considers these url’s as duplicate.?
here are the example urls…
[noparse][/noparse] <past>
[noparse][/noparse] <redirected>
[noparse][/noparse] <present>.

in past only cart was under SSL structure
currently the whole site is under SSL to URL starts with https://