Help me update this code for megavideo in prettyPhoto

I made the changes but I think the code is outdated because it does not work for me

case 'youtube':
correctSizes = _fitToViewport(movie_width,movie_height); // Fit item to viewport

movie = ''+grab_param('v',pp_images[setPosition]);
if(settings.autoplay) movie += "&autoplay=1";

toInject = settings.flash_markup.replace(/{width}/g,correctSizes['width']).replace(/{height}/g,correctSizes['height']).replace(/{wmode}/g,settings.wmode).replace(/{path}/g,movie);


function _getFileType(itemSrc){
if (itemSrc.match(/megavideo\\.com/i)) {
return 'youtube';

someone help me to upgrade this code ?

this code is a functional but another script
is to adapt to the prettyPhoto?

// Megavideo - Thanks to Robert Jandreu for suggesting this code!
			} else if (URL.match(/megavideo\\.com/i)) {
				mediaType = 'obj';
				mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640px";
				mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360px";
				mediaSplit = URL.split('=');
				mediaId = mediaSplit[1];
				preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, {
					id: mediaId,
					width: mediaWidth,
					height: mediaHeight,
					params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen}

this code is a functional but another script
is to adapt to the prettyPhoto?

// Megavideo - Thanks to Robert Jandreu for suggesting this code!
			} else if (URL.match(/megavideo\\.com/i)) {
				mediaType = 'obj';
				mediaWidth = mediaWidth || "640px";
				mediaHeight = mediaHeight || "360px";
				mediaSplit = URL.split('=');
				mediaId = mediaSplit[1];
				preload = new Swiff(''+mediaId, {
					id: mediaId,
					width: mediaWidth,
					height: mediaHeight,
					params: {wmode: options.wmode, bgcolor: options.bgcolor, allowscriptaccess: options.scriptaccess, allowfullscreen: options.fullscreen}